The Kube Hub App is een praktische smarttool die we op diverse manieren inzetten om te connecteren en inspireren:
- Via de app communiceren we met onze Kubies en blijf je op de hoogte van het reilen en zeilen binnen de community.
- Via de app kan je inspirerende The Kube Talks volgen waarin clubleden diverse relevante thema’s aanhalen. Leer, inspireer, beleef.
- Via de app kan je je eenvoudig inschrijven op de events die we organiseren in samenwerking met onze klanten, maar ook op de events die onze Kubies voor elkaar organiseren.
Het lidmaatschap is gratis voor onze eerste 50 leden.
Schrijf je nu in om de link naar onze App te ontvangen.
Submit your application and receive approval by email.
Log in to our platform and personalize your profile information.
Discover all the benefits of our creative community.
The Kube Hub believes in giving back to the society we live in. That’s why we invite our community to participate in The Urban Challenge.
With this initiative, we want to use The Kube Hub as a facilitator to bring greenery back to the city or to give something back to society. To share or help something. The club members will therefore compete in one-on-one battles for the best urban project.
Submit a proposal that improves their city, our living environment, makes urban greenery more diverse, supports a good cause, … All proposals are welcome! The winning project will be announced during a special event.
Be part of our inspiring community that connects creative creators.
Participate in our exclusive events and be rewarded for your active engagement.
Use our platform and organize a creative workshop for our club members yourself.